
Name Grad Year Date Comments
Vickey (Scurei) Stevens 


12/30/1999 7:35:43 PM  This is a great site. I just wish more from 1974 would register. Does anyone know where Cindy Ale 
Larry Upthegrove 


12/30/1999 8:06:55 PM  Good work, Bill. It's nice to recognize a lot of the old names and renew some friendships. 
Suzanne Alexander 


1/2/2000 11:05:41 AM  Hello everyone!! I can not stop smiling Since I found this site and the one at dephi How wonderful 
Sherry (Andrews) Hartman 


1/5/2000 10:24:01 PM  This is a wonderful web-site. Thank you for setting it up. It will be great to talk to old classmat 
Lisa Hickman 


1/7/2000 9:30:30 PM 
Steve Ward 


1/8/2000 1:44:37 PM  Great job on the website, Bill! Now we can find out what's been going on without waiting 10 years f 
Tyson Chaney 


1/9/2000 5:21:03 AM 
Jillayne Broeker 


1/14/2000 9:55:14 AM  Hello to Class of '80!!! It's great to see all of you again!! 
Joyce (Serocke) Broeker 


1/17/2000 7:05:43 PM  hello la quinta! So long ago, yet the memories are still there! 
Randy Wright 


1/19/2000 10:27:55 PM  Great stuff. Thanks for all the memories and connections. Keep up the good work. 

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