Charles Shelton
d. 1999
Class Year:
Cause of death:
In Memoriam
Ten Years since the last post. Miss you Buddy.
4/14/2012 |
I had known Charlie since I was four years old. We had a tight group of guys in the neighborhood that all went to LQ, which included the Labradors, Wilsons, Wymores and Wayde Hubbard. Chas was a quiet guy probably not well known during his school years but a big influence to all of us that knew him well. He had a rough life after his high school years but seemed to pull it all together in the end marrying and settling down in Oklahoma I believe. I miss him and think of him often. God bless to his Mom Kathy, Larry his Father and to Bobby his younger brother.
Jim Lechiara
6/30/2002 |
Charley sorry I wasn't there I lost track of you. Thank for being my friend and brother growing up.I think about you and the street almost every week.
Bill Wilson
3/28/2002 |
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