Robert Wright
April 20, 1959 - June 13, 2021 

Class Year:

Cause of death:


Survived by brothers Richard (class of 1976), Roger (class of 1978), and Wendy and Randall.


  In Memoriam 

You were so much more than my best friend for 50 years.I will always think of you, and refer to you, as my brother. From our earliest days we recognized the value of being funny and making people laugh as well as cracking each other up. Being funny seemed to be the one thing we took seriously. Indeed, it is the funny memories that have sustained me since your passing. In life, we were a pair of mismatched socks that for us, just felt right together.We were Day and Night, the Sun and Moon, High and low tides,Peanut butter and Chocolate. Forever my friend,and in my heart ,my brother you will always be. I Love You.

Raymond Chamberlain

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