Seven years ago (November 20th, 2006), I lost my older brother Jim to cancer. He’s my second brother that I had to say goodbye to, as I lost my oldest brother Bill (Bumper) 30 years before that when he was hit by a car. This was Jim’s second dance with cancer, as he was diagnosed with stage 4 testicular cancer back in 1991. That cancer was diagnosed during his entrance physical right after he graduated from college. As hard as this might seem, cancer wasn’t his toughest fight. His toughest battle was with drugs and alcohol. It was so bad, and my family went through pure hell during those years, that when he finally hit bottom in 1995 and joined Alcoholics Anonymous, I had had it. I was so angry at him for putting us through this, that I couldn’t really find it in my heart to forgive him. And when I want to Al-Anon and was told that there wasn’t anything I could do to help Jim, that it had to be his choice to stop drinking - that was all I needed to hear. I mentally walked awa
Michael Winters
11/28/2013 |
Hi Big Jim! It`s been five years today since you left us. I miss you every day! I still cannot believe you are gone. I hope there is a Chris & Pitts in heaven because I am going to buy you a big steak when I see you again. Love ya Bro!!!
11/20/2011 |
rest easy my friend. You were the toughest football (center) I have ever played alongside with.... you and Kevin Sullivan can play alongside the angels now!! God bless you and your family.
1/9/2011 |
The saddest two moments: the loss of you and your brother...I will always remember the wrestling matches you two had in your room, and of course, listening to prog rock, the sounds and the smells of cooking in your house, and later, the "reunion" between you and I that was never to be... Please know that every day you and your family are in my heart and soul, and if I could go back, I would want to be on that river trail with your brother, on our way home to see you...You and "Bumper" (or "Kava" to me), were the two brothers I never had, and will live on as long as your memories are kept alive...!
Jim Harrison
7/30/2009 |
We spent sometime on this earth and I will miss you. We helped each other`s spiritual growth. You will be missed my friend.
6/16/2009 |
Jim, This life is sometimes shaped by the friends you make when you are young. In my life I have had three close friends and you were one. We did so many crazy things together that make me laugh to this day. I am proud to say you were my friend.
John Runkle
9/28/2008 |
Jimmy, I am so glad I had the opportunity to see you one last time. I just wish it could have been more. I have so many good memories with you, where could I possibly start? I miss your late-night calls when we purposely tried to wake each other up, and you always loved to sing áThe Chairá to me. You were so goofy and lovable. You had the cutest smile when you would purposely say things about women being below men just to get a rise out of me. I remember all the band practices, the dance your band played at, horseback riding, going to the beach, hanging out. Thinking about the Red Sled always makes me smile. I remember one time you were trying to drive home in the rain from the beach, and you kept hanging out the window wiping the windshield with the arm of your jacket. I kept trying to get you to leave it and get it later so I could drive you home, but you wouldn't do it. You told me just to follow you. I also remember Cujo and Jo Coo and their babies: No Joe, Little Joe
Rhonda Barnett (Beers)
5/1/2008 |
You encouraged me to achieve, you inspired me to live with love and compassion, you always knew when to listen and just let be. Thank you Jim for allowing me to take care of you during your final months with us, I thank God to have had the chance to say goodbye to my beautiful brother. I thank you for allowing me to love you these last 41yrs I miss you so much it hurts... I love you áBobbersá rest in peace with Bumper until we are all together again I love you always, Kathy
Kathy Winters
4/23/2008 |
Jimmy, You were such a good friend, I have alot of fond memories of you. The áBig Red Sledá, Cujo and Jo-co and all the funny times we had. I will never forget you coming to my house late at night and knocking on my window and then thinking my parents would find you and you ran off leaving your shoes behind. Ya know you always loved the band YES and the Song áI've seen all good peopleá, well that song will always remind me of you, you will always be remembered. Paula
Paula Rees
4/26/2007 |
James, Some of my best memories have you in them. From Saint Barbara's to LQHS. Rest easy Bro!
Chris Santos
1/11/2007 |
Our family is one of the oldest friends of the Winters we use to live together on Schooner Ave., next door to Diane who still lives there today. I talked to my dad he said he knew about Jim's cancer after her graduated from Cal State. He sure lived along time with this because all the Winter's are kind and very strong. God bless you Jim and I know your in heaven with Bumper! The Wilkes Family
Theresa Wilkes
12/19/2006 |
Jim, You will be missed by many in this world , thank you for being part of our lives . Dave
Dave Foster
12/4/2006 |
You will be missed.
Jon Appel
11/27/2006 |