Hi Pee Wee, I was just looking at all the people that have left us too soon. And I see your name. I will always remember you from the neighborhood. We used to hang out with Tom, Denise when my dad would let me. You were such a fun person. You will be missed forever and always. Cindy class of "78"
Cindy Harrison Blake
8/7/2017 |
Hey Pete! After all these years of trying to find you on facebook I saw the posting I never even thought of. Man, you left at such a young age. I still remember the time I went on summer vacation with you and your parents to northern Ca. Now that I`m back in So. Cal. I am going to drive through the old neighborhood and think of the times we had as kids. I would never change a thing about my childhood and growing up in Orange County for anything in the world, from Susan B. Anthony to our first cars, you will always be a part of that. I`ll see you up there someday. Until then, rest in peace and know that there are a lot of friends who will never forget you.
Vic Vasquez
9/22/2013 |
As I look through the La Quinta reunion page the thought of you comes to my mind. It seems like only yesterday when I was 5 years old taking turns with you pushing each other down the street in your little metal toy car my brother. I never did get that last chance to say goodbye like I really wish we could have but deep down inside we really never did grow apart cause we knew each other oh to well. You never did talk about diabetes you proud and stubborn SOB so I never knew how much pain you really were in all that time. It tore me up to show up at your funeral only to talk to the crowd about who you were as a kid but it made me proud to represent. You will always be in my heart and soul my neighbor, my pal and my friend. Oh and I never did like calling you Pee Wee so that`s why you never heard it from me cause for some reason that was only suppose to come from your family. RIP big guy. I know theres a club up there and i can see you bouncing at the door. your friend forever, Tom Rees
Tom Reese
4/12/2010 |
i remember pete was always a really cool guy and always had a smile on his face. i remember once in p.e. we were going through this intense raquetball rally and out of nowhere pete who was playing in the court next to us went after a ball and lost his footing and ended up running on to our court because he couldnt stop and in raquetball theres a term when a ball from another court comes onto your court you yell "ball on court" to stop play. well when pete came storming on to our court my friend without missing a beat yelled "pete on court!" it was so funny we all cracked up and after that we were always very friendly with each other. sorry to hear about your passing but obviously by the posts on here you were very loved. rip brother.
8/10/2008 |
Pee wee I met you in Mr. Heald`s math class at McGarvin,you were so nice and very funny,I had often heard that you were a bruiser so don`t cross Peter the great. absolutely false, I don`t think there was a violent bone in your humongous body. We remained friends through jr high,high school. Your B-210 was our lunch chariot..great memories.When we graduated LQHS we went on to Golden West College,,remember when you had Robert Manibusan`s "Richard Pryor" cassette tape and we listened to it in the GWC library,I`m surprised we weren`t kicked out for laughing so loud..another great memory. Our AJ classes, your black trenchcoat. We stayed close for a lot of years and I do miss you a lot. Sometimes I wonder why does god take the good ones? I know you`re doing a Richard Pryor skit for him. I don`t know why I didn`t write this sooner,,you were and will always be my brother..God bless you Pee wee until we meet again.
8/7/2008 |
Happy Valentines Pee Wee, our niece Vanessa had her baby. His name is Jordan...but I am sure you know that. Dave & I celebrated our 1 year anniversary on Jan. 28th, 2007 Pretty cool Huh. I Love you my Angel
Heather Artunian Bearden
2/14/2008 |
Hey Pee Wee, well as you can see there has been a name change. David & I were married on July 28th, 2006 & I know you were there giving us your blessing. It's been almost 5 years since I lost you (we lost you) & I still think of you every single day, especially all the motorcycle rides we took to the Rock Store, BJ's, and Bike Night :) David is taking care of me for you & he has such a beautiful heart...I love him with all my heart. He is a good man, with beauty in his soul, plus he can stir things up the way you always did) I am laughing again. We just found out my Mom has diabetes. All the time I nursed you & watched you die from the complications of diabetes has me scared to death for my Mom...but I am okay. Kiss my Aunt & your Mom for me. I love you Pee Wee & I will never forget all the beautiful memories we shared...oh hey,Dave says thank you for how good you were to me. Love & Blessings forever. Heather Artunian Bearden aka BRAT!
Heather Artunian Bearden
2/4/2007 |
My Brother PeeWee, How sad I was when I found out. Every memory I have of you is great. I never saw you without a smile. I'll never forget Scouts, we had a blast my brother! Rest well bro, I know you're still smiling and lookin' after us all.
Chris Santos
1/11/2007 |
Hi Pee Wee, the one year anniversary of Mom's death was this year but I know you are taking care of her as wll as my Aunt. I love you Pee Wee. David & I are getting married in 9 days...it was very hard to move on after you, you left some pretty big boots to fill, but David is a good man. I love you & I still look out for Margie, and FRankie & his new Baby...I plan to pay a visit to his wife soon. Love you, Brat
Heather Artunian
7/20/2006 |
Pete, I couldn't believe it when my mom told me of your passing. We had a lot of great times in Scouts (even though I was the only gal with all of you guys. You guys were always so nice to me.) I will never forget you and your easy going personality. It was wonderful to see you at our 20th class reunion. Kristi Sherrill Force
Kristi Sherrill Force
7/12/2006 |
1/21/2006 |
I love you Pee Wee...I always will.
Heather Artunian
1/14/2006 |