Jane (Bell) Curley
November 1960 - February 15, 2004
Class Year:
Cause of death:
Colon Cancer
Jane was an R.N. She is survived by four daughters: Laura, Leanne, Kathleen and Meghan.
Her sister can be reached at Jaki Bell Kackert (805) 551-7411.
In Memoriam
I loved Jane. She was kind hearted and a gentle person she will be missed.
Kelly Smith-Rogin
1/10/2014 |
I was on this page to see the memorial my sister Carol did for our brother Greg, and I was so saddened to see Jane's bright smiling face. There should be more people in the world like her. I'm reminded none of us are guaranteed our next breath. Now is the time to let people know we care.
Jenny Thompson (McLoudrey
9/7/2005 |
Jane was one of my best friends. I remember helping her pick out the song she used in her routine at tryouts for varsity cheerleader--áGet Backá by the Beatles. One of her fondest memories was making the squad--thanks Cari and Dawn for helping her polish her routine. Good bye, Mouse.
Troy Hithe
1/16/2005 |
To have Jane as a friend was a gift. Always loyal, always honest, always kind. Her uplifting smile touched us all.
Dan Kalantarian
9/17/2004 |
Funny how things forgotten flash through your mind so many years later! See my pretty tennis shoes.. it was an inside joke all the way back to Jr. High. Jane, I wish we had not let a little argument 20 years ago turn into 20 years of silence. It wasn't worth it. I can't even remember why it was so important! But I remember ásee my pretty tennis shoesá! Sigh
Tricia Hughes-Paull
8/2/2004 |
The smile, the happiness that I remember so well while knowing her during the years at LQ will always be with me. She always was there to lift my spirits and give me a hard time when I was full of myself. I just hard to believe that she left so young.
Keith Rosas
5/14/2004 |
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