Jim Brand
d. 2002 

Class Year:





  In Memoriam 

Jim and I went to the same church, he was a great example to many people. Jim loved to drive his Ford Pinto "extra crazy" when it rained. I am very sad to hear of his passing.

Rob Anderrson
Jim was a wonderful man, a good friend, someone you could depend on. When I was fourteen we both went to a church camp and he chased me (in an effort to cause pain because I did something stupid!) I was shorter back than and he was as tall as áalways.á I couldn't believe the amount of ground that guy covered! He had a good sense of humor and was always sticking up for the áunderdog.á Through the years, his Mother has been such a light even in the most difficult time(s) of her life. She has treated all situations with dignity and shown the type of Love that Jim surely received from her. Although Jim unfortunately got the áshort end of the stická far too often, he was and is a heck of a guy.

Paul B. Stephan
Jim, was one of my closest friends at La Quinta. We went to the same Church. Jim was 6 foot 6 inchs tall! And he loved Fords! And loved to drive!I will miss him.

Rob Curran

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