Glen Currey
July 20, 1963 - April 2, 1982 

Class Year:

Cause of death:




  In Memoriam 

We played football together...

Bruce Gillies
I just learned of this page so wanted to thank you guys for leaving messages. I'd like to know where you live now Mike Crayton!

Glenn's Mom
Glen, I cannot have a memory or tell a tale of a BMX adventure without you in it. I remember all too well riding, falling, laughing and just hanging out with you and your brother. For all of the horseplay and nonsensical behavior that went on, there was a permanent bond between those of us that used to ride, play, and laugh. California is distant in the rear view for me now, but in the forefront of my mind because of great friends like you.

Mike Crayton
Hmmmm, I can't belive I am peroozing these morose pages. Names appearing like sad old films I've seen and pushed back in my memory, buried under adulthoods rubble. I see that nobody has written here either. Well, Glen, you were probably one of the nicest and funniest blokes I ever knew. It must be your Nebraska family roots. You were always so upbeat, and had such a great sense of humor, walking around in your cool painter type cap and home-made motorcycle crash pants. You were one of the good ones. You were smart enough to not be there the day my Dad found the tunnel under our house. In 1971 there was that earthquake. Most people have etched in their minds where they were then, even 30 years later. Book shelves toppled, Pools cracked...But I will always remember hearing that you and Mike were jumping off your bunk bed listening to your 45 of áI think I love youá. That vile song may have actually caused the seismic activity. I remember too we were all disappointed to

Paul Anderson

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