Mickey Golar
March 25, 1957 to September 5, 1975
Class Year:
Cause of death:
Motorcycle Accident
In Memoriam
Micky and I hung out together a lot in 1971 & 72. He was a funny, carefree guy and we hit it off right away. He had an older brother who was into martial arts. Remember when we scraped enough money together to buy an old Chevy II but we were not old enough to drive it or to put it in either of our names so we gave his brother the money and he bought it for us but we never drove it. We were very impulsive in those days, weren`t we Mickey? Can`t count all the times since you been gone that I should of joined you in eternity but for one reason or another managed to cheat death. We both know one day my luck will run out. When it does I will hopefully see you on the other side of eternity. I hope that you, Vicki and Carol Ritchie are hanging out and playing beautiful music together.
Gary Keyzers
5/13/2016 |
I knew Mickey REAL well, I think My sister went out with him, and best friend dated him. He was over at my house for like at least a whole summer doing cannonballs in his cutoffs! I remember him being funny and fun! so sad, so young..
Vicki Littrell
10/17/2000 |
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