When I attended La Quinta I really did not have a whole lot of confidence in myself,as a result,kids being kids picked up on that and really gave me a hard time, I mean a REALLY HARD TIME!!.Mr Doney seen that and stood up for me.He talked to me like a friend.Not like I was a piece of dirt.Thats something I dont forget.You were a great man Mr. Doney.
10/16/2010 |
I also owe a debt of thanks to Mr. Doney, He taught me not to remain silent when the áunder dogá is being picked on. He had a gift to teach and he used it well. Thanks Mr. Doney.
Robert Curran
6/4/2006 |
It is because of Mr. Doney that I have a passion for reading. To this day, áTo Kill A Mockingbirdá is one of my favorite books and has been passed onto my daughters. I still think of my 9th grade english teacher often and wish that I could have told him what a wonderful gift he instilled in me. Thank you Mr. Doney
Deanna (Williams) Garac
6/2/2006 |
I remember this teacher in my Senior year 1981. He'd wear that same black shirt every day. I thought it was going to be a boring class. I did enjoy reading Macbeth in his class. He was so in tuned with it... I ended up liking it. Sorry to see you go.
Theresa Wilkes
5/7/2005 |
Mr. Doney was my english teacher in 1976 at La Quinta. He was the first teacher I had to introduce Shakespeare in an enjoyable way! His enthusiasm was contagious. We even had a birthday party for Shakespeare complete with cake and punch. I didn't realize his grief until I read some of these messages but he always seemed like a shy, kind and intelligent man. He is missed. I'm a teacher now, and he's one of the few teachers I wrote to in order to thank them for their influence. Be with God!
7/8/2004 |
Mr. Doney, you were a mysterious man. Your life exposed the grief that you were living through. I often prayed that you would find love again and shed that black wardrobe. Maybe God saw your anguish and just took you home to be with HIm and your late wife. Wearing black was just your expression of mourning, but you were a very good teacher. High school kids are a tough group to reach. I believe that you reached many. Your lessons went deep and you will not be forgotten. Rest In Peace Mr. Doney.
11/10/2002 |
I remember Mr. Doney, like everyone else does, as having a thing for black. My fondest memory of him is when he helped me look for a book in the library. I asked him where I could find áEvangelineá by H.W. Longfellow. He immediately started to quote the book line for line until he found it. He was obviously a very eduacated man and anytime a person of his intelligence passes away, it's a loss to the world. Maybe his thing for black clothes made him a bit misunderstood, but then most geniuses are.
D. Chavez/Class of 93
10/28/2002 |
what can i say i got away with murder in his class. i wish he had enjoyed life more. a shame he didnt laugh more
orlando molina
9/14/2001 |
I never had the opportunity to be a student of Mr Doney, but I remember hearing the reason for his all black appearance, was, his wife passed away on their wedding night. To let others know his grief.
5/10/2001 |
The first day of school my freshman year, I had Mr. Donney 2 or 3 period. He wore all black and right down the middle of his shirt was egg yolk. I did everything in my power to ignore this. I just could not. He grossed me out to no end. But, as time went on, I learned that he was a very educated man. I didn't notice his appearrance anymore. I started to open up and learn from him. I will never forget he read the book áLord of the Flysá to us. I was in awe of the story, in awe of human nature because of that story. He was a very good teacher. I ,as well as others remember him for his unusual attire(all black) and choice of transportation (Black VW and Black Motorcycle with side car), there was a certain cool in that. Teenagers are a hard lot to teach and he managed to at least teach one, ME!
4/7/2001 |
He wore black every day
Brett Trimper
10/22/2000 |