Donnie Baugus
May 12, 1948 to Sept 7, 1983 

Class Year:





  In Memoriam 

I knew Donnie since 1959. He was a bit older than me but always made time to talk with me. His brother, Kenny and several other boys in the neighborhood would play baseball, football, and anything else young boys do. Donnie had a quiet nature about him, almost unassuming. Yet, he was self confident and strong. He went to work at the post office and my Dad worked with him for several years. I was saddened by his passing. The world lost a truly good man.

John Shipley
Donnie and I go back to the early-mid 60's. We went to church together. I knew his mother, brother, Kenny, and wife, Penny. He was a real sweetheart and I know he is missed by his family. My thoughts are still with them everytime I read his name.

Dana Jetmore Drew
Donnie was one of the best! His widow, Penny (Plunkett, class of '72) was/is one of my dearest friends. I really miss him.

Karen (Otte) Priebe
Very sorry to see Donny on the Memorial page. Many fond memories of him and Kenny, and the old gang in the neighborhood.

Lois Rodgers
Donnic and I go back a long ways. If I remember right we were in the second grade together. Kenny, I am sorry to hear of your brothers passing.

Rick Roederer

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